Jose Miguel Panta Sanchez
A little bit about me...

About Me...

I'm a creative entrepreneur, who likes to use technology as a way to solve problems. I have a BSc. degree in Economy from Pacifico University in PerĂº, and I'm really interested in web development and data science.

In my free time I like to read "techno-thriller" books (one of my favourites is Jurassic Park) and drawing comics.

My Data Projects...

As a business and data analyst, I've worked a lot with R and it's library "Shiny" for developing web applications. My last researches were focused on marketing, more specifically, finding the trade area of some convenience store using demographic information.

Want to see what I've working on?

BI Information Dashboard

A quick dashboard for viewing the location of our stores and other useful information about it (rent to be payed, socioeconomic levels, important dates, etc.)

Trade area analysis

In this project, I was looking to give an answer to the question, where is a good place to establish a convenience store? The result was the application of the Huff's model for determine the sales probability around a potential store.

Finance and More

Here are a set of articles I've found interesting about finance, marketing and data science.

A useful guide into the CFA program

The importance of location advantage

Hal Varian's Big Data

Let's keep in contact